Hidden PLR OTO was released by Nick James.
Hidden PLR has one front end option called Hidden PLR (The Full Monty).
This product also has a total of four OTOs: The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Membership, Hidden PLR Special Offer: The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Back Issues (Split Payment), Hidden PLR Special Offer: Product Licensing Formula Home Study Course and Hidden PLR Special Offer: Private Inner Circle.
Please find the front end 1, all OTOs 1, 2, 3 and 4 links below:

All 4 Hidden PLR links below
Front End 1 link (Hidden PLR (The Full Monty))
– > Hidden PLR Front End 1
OTO 1 link (The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Membership)
– > Hidden PLR OTO 1
OTO 2 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Back Issues (Split Payment))
– > Hidden PLR OTO 2
OTO 3 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: Product Licensing Formula Home Study Course)
– > Hidden PLR OTO 3
OTO 4 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: Private Inner Circle)
– > Hidden PLR OTO 4
Hidden PLR is a simple 3-step system that reveals how to make maximum money in minimum time with any PLR product your customer licenses. PLR usually stands for Private Label Rights however, Hidden PLR uses a different word/definition for each letter. These new words are also acronyms, which take the customer deeper into a logical process for customizing, rebranding and editing the licensed product (and marketing materials) to ensure their updated product offering is 100% unique.
Step 1. P.A.C.K.A.G.E. Your Product In A Unique Way
Step 2. L.A.Y.O.U.T. Your Promotional Materials In A Unique Way
Step 3. R.E.W.R.I.T.E. Part Of The Product To Make It Unique
Plus, as an exclusive bonus for this dime sale launch, we’re also including a package of 7 special reports complete with private label rights so that your customers have everything they need from day 1, to get started right away. WE KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE GOING TO LOVE GETTING THEIR HANDS ON HIDDEN PLR. Our belief is that Hidden PLR perfectly complements any products you have previously offered with Private Label Rights and may even help to give your customers the boost they need to buy additional licenses from you in the future.
Make sure you download and follow the Hidden PLR 3-step system today and discover how to make maximum sales in minimum time with any PLR licensed product you already have… Or may get in the future, thanks to what you will discover in this new 1 hour and 20 minute video.
Do that now safe in the knowledge that you are being guided through each step of the process by someone that has over 20 years of experience selling licensed products. Hidden PLR was originally intended to be part of a new physical $197 home study course about the entire licensing business that I intend to officially release later in the year. But, right now, you can pick up the Hidden PLR video and transcript for a ‘steal of a deal’ via this special ‘dime sale’ offer today.
However, please understand that as this is a ‘dime sale’ which means that each time a copy of Hidden PLR is sold… The price increases. This special offer has been set up in this way to reward ‘action takers’ … Who are the exact type of people I enjoy working with and help grow their business.
To ensure you have everything you need to get started, when you request your copy of Hidden PLR 3-step system today you will also receive a valuable bonus package. A set of 7 fantastic special reports together with corresponding sales letters and the full Private Label Rights.
Meaning that, even if you’re just getting started and you have never bought a license to a PLR product before now… You will have everything you need to get started immediately. You could easily be asked to invest $47 – $97 for a package of special reports like these with Private Label Rights… But instead, I’d like to make them my gift to you, for taking prompt action, investing in your education and requesting your copy of Hidden PLR via the special offer dime sale.
All links in this sales funnel:
Front End 1 link (Hidden PLR (The Full Monty))
– Hidden PLR (The Full Monty) link
OTO 1 link (The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Membership)
– The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Membership link
OTO 2 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Back Issues (Split Payment))
– Hidden PLR Special Offer: The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR Back Issues (Split Payment) link
OTO 3 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: Product Licensing Formula Home Study Course)
– Hidden PLR Special Offer: Product Licensing Formula Home Study Course link
OTO 4 link (Hidden PLR Special Offer: Private Inner Circle)
– Hidden PLR Special Offer: Private Inner Circle link