Simple Video Management System OTO all OTOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 link

Simple Video Management System OTO all OTOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 link

Simple Video Management System OTO was released by David Perdew.

Simple Video Management System has one front end option called Simple Video Management System Plugin-Multi Site – Unlimited.
This product also has a total of six OTOs: Simple Video Management System – Agency One Time Payment, Simple AutoWebinar System – Multi Site License – One Time Payment, Simple AutoWebinar System – Agency Licenses – Simple Video Management System Add On, Membership Kickstart Elite, Membership Kickstart and Insiders Club Platinum – Affiliate Information.
Please find the front end 1, all OTOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 links below:

Simple Video Management System oto

All 6 Simple Video Management System links below

Front End 1 link (Simple Video Management System Plugin-Multi Site – Unlimited)
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Simple Video Management System Front End 1

OTO 1 link (Simple Video Management System – Agency One Time Payment)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 1

OTO 2 link (Simple AutoWebinar System – Multi Site License – One Time Payment)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 2

OTO 3 link (Simple AutoWebinar System – Agency Licenses – Simple Video Management System Add On)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 3

OTO 4 link (Membership Kickstart Elite)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 4

OTO 5 link (Membership Kickstart)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 5

OTO 6 link ( Insiders Club Platinum – Affiliate Information)
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Simple Video Management System OTO 6

Simple Video Management System video preview

I knew I MUST use video (just like you MUST), but the frustrations and hassles finally got the better of me. I tried pretty much every solution out there… but each one either lacked features, was inconsistent… or just plain didn’t work. As the story so often goes… I decided to create a solution. (Of course I did, that’s why we’re here.)

– Your video looks AWESOME on your monitor… but slides halfway off the screen on your phone.
– You need to use 3 different videos on a single page… but one video is on YouTube, one video is self-hosted, and the third is on Vimeo… and all 3 players look — and work — different.
– You finally get a good video player plugin on your WordPress site… but then you need to move it to ClickFunnels or HTML.
– You need one specific video from the 100s (or 1000s) you have everywhere… and waste an hour searching.
– You want people to see part of your video for free and opt-in to see the rest… but the solution is a tech headache.
– Your autoplay videos that used to produce opt-ins and/or sales for you… are now neutered by most browsers’ autoplay death ban.
– You’re just plain sick and tired of monkeying around with confusing embed codes, cobbled together multi-plugin solutions that aren’t portable from site to site, and unreliable spaghetti piles of custom tech code.

We shouldn’t have to say this, but our experience with other video players says we must: Working in all browsers is the key. So, no matter where your video is hosted, the player must adapt, and display it cleanly and quickly even if it is on a mobile device!

How would you like your video to display on mobile devices? The two examples on the right are after I implemented the Simple Video Management System plugin to host my videos! Your videos are guaranteed to work on WordPress, HTML, and platforms like ClickFunnels, OptimizePress, LeadPages, and more!

Customize Everything About Your Videos With Simple One-Click Settings

Video Size: From the backend of the plugin you can adjust the video size to any size you want. This allows for greater flexibility on where you have videos displayed on your website.

Video Alignment: Aligning videos to the center, left or right on the page can be really frustrating if you don’t know HTML or CSS. You simply select the alignment in a dropdown box, and your video will align exactly how you want it on your final page!

Hide Video Controls: Sometimes, you’ll want to use a video sales letter which means hiding the controls so users can’t stop, start or pause the video before your message is delivered. This functionality used to take fancy code and JavaScript to work correctly. Now you just check one little box, and you can choose whether you have video controls or not. Auto Play: With video sales letters, auto play is a key function. This tool allows you to simply toggle that off and on without having to insert complicated coding. It is point and click simple so you can focus on other aspects of running your business.

All links in this sales funnel:

Front End 1 link (Simple Video Management System Plugin-Multi Site – Unlimited)
Simple Video Management System Plugin-Multi Site – Unlimited link

OTO 1 link (Simple Video Management System – Agency One Time Payment)
Simple Video Management System – Agency One Time Payment link

OTO 2 link (Simple AutoWebinar System – Multi Site License – One Time Payment)
Simple AutoWebinar System – Multi Site License – One Time Payment link

OTO 3 link (Simple AutoWebinar System – Agency Licenses – Simple Video Management System Add On)
Simple AutoWebinar System – Agency Licenses – Simple Video Management System Add On link

OTO 4 link (Membership Kickstart Elite)
Membership Kickstart Elite link

OTO 5 link (Membership Kickstart)
Membership Kickstart link

OTO 6 link ( Insiders Club Platinum – Affiliate Information)
Insiders Club Platinum – Affiliate Information link

Sales page preview